Though we talked for an hour
Somehow I have a feeling
I could not fully heal the scar
Much down somewhere
You Were Hurt a little deeper
I don't know if I am the cause
Of your deep seated bruise
If that's so forgive me please
In your own humble greatness
Just wanted to tell you loud
I always feel like in 9th cloud
When i hear your voice
Over the entire world of noise
I feel like living once more
Over all the daily drudgeries
Even if I see a line from you
I go red in love over gloom of blue
Rising over all the miseries
I feel like dying in your embrace
Once more I again wish against
All odds to melt in your caress
Your overwhelming love
In a divine beauty of a dove
Has given me a new dimension
To me in life hitherto unknown
I feel complacent in every format
I feel like a Woman in your arms
I feel like my heart is drenched
In stupendous love in every stretch
Love you so very much straight
From heart
Against all even and all odds
And if i have to bargain some moments
Of togetherness with you
I will let go all restraints!!!!
I trust You more or Love you more
I never can be sure!!
And even if we do not communicate
I just know whether you are morose
I know every pulse of yours
To each other we are so transparent
I wish I could absorb like a sponge
All your silent tear drops
And give back an hour of solace
And your agitated mind some calmness!!!!
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