Saturday, July 16, 2011
Bon Ami Part 2
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
To ask if there's some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
What is probability of using the same word into transforming it into avid spasms of emotion?? How could you pronounce the same word with love or hatred care or disrespect antipathy or admiration .. We never know..because are emotions are beyond all probability and yet bound in a probability of improbable."........
Bon Ami Part 1
Friday, July 15, 2011
Since You Said
Its a new day ahead
A good day perhaps in your mind
As you are always right
I had to believe in its kind
Thought of letting my thoughts unwind
Home alone all by myself with my soul
I thought of giving my thoughts a sole
New more similar posts
Something of a new shade some differnce
Which can fill my mundane moments
With some complacence!!!!
P.S Madhavilata has a memory of an elephant like another creature...I was jawdropped by her gesture.. Remind me to tell you later!!!
I Hate You
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Only You
First tell me how are you now…Physically? Did the pain subside? I wish you and me a peaceful day ahead if not an enjoyable one.
I can’t express so well in black and white like you. Hence will not be able to answer your letter with all my reaction, but need to tell you few things.
You said you are imaginary fool and I’m a very logical matured creature. You are insensitive, don’t invest for future, only try to live in the present by trying to fill the vacuum and I’m able to think about the future with clarity of mind!!!!
Today you will get to know, what is what! It has already started feeling inside me, the sturdy vacuum like a black-hole. Do you know why? Because my heart and mind it desperate to see you once again. Because it knows by now it will not be able to meet you for a day. If this is the condition in one day of separation, who would I sustain my lifetime without you? I do not have any answer. And this is human nature to panic about the unknown. I’m also not any exception. Hence very upset somewhere deep inside.
Yes, you are right. You are too good for me. You have everything in a single package that a man can desire. Brain, Beauty, Body. Heart, Mind, Soul. Intelligence, Love, Care, Capability, Curves, Creativity. Sensibility, Sensitivity, Seduction, Sex. Fertility, Naughtiness. Power. Fighter. Energetic. Down to earth. Spirited. … The list is endless. But for sure everything a man can desire from his woman. And I know you are too good for me. But these things, my mind is aware of and admits that you are too good for me. But my Heart… it is the most immature child in this world. It refuses to listen to all these too good etc. It only knows that it beats for YOU, cares for YOU, loves only YOU. My heart is not even bothered to ask the right question, does my love qualify for you? I can manage and convince my mind, but fail to put up with that immature heart.
Have you ever seen any kid, crying furiously in the middle of the road for some toys, which his father is incapable to buy? Have you observed the helplessness of that father? Who tries to convince the child with all the logics available under the sun? The toy is costly, can’t afford it… the toy is not good for health…. you have so many at home…. Why can’t you take the other one… That toy is not for sale… that toy belongs to somebody…. All logical, but unfortunately useless to bring his child back to normal. Because somewhere the child has submitted own self to that toy and they are connected Now only that toy can make him happy.
Do you know, most of the time how the father manages to bring the child to existence, back to normal? With only one promise, YOU WILL GET IT TOMORROW. And the child agrees to go back with tons of doubts in mind, but still with a ray of HOPE. That drives him back to the home, only in a hope of a better tomorrow or day after.
I was looking for that hope only, YOU WILL GET IT TOMORROW.
Not sure if I was able to express myself to you with my limited capability of written communication.
Love You, much more than these few words can express.
Only Yours
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Love You 'Coz
You keep me safe in your heart
Which I myself was never smart at
2.I love you because
You fill my senses in a suffocating love
Which I now can also give to you
But was never sure I was capable of
3.I love you because
You love all my fantasies and you love the Rain
A Bohemian in Rain
You share the same feelings and run in my vein
4.I love you because
You cast an aura around me of protection always
Something which I misss every moment
And fall down the second am out of you translucence
5.I love you because
Your sensitivity fills each corner of my life
I love you because all those special moments
I have been your wife
6.I love you because
Your sense of humor and wit
Which makes my day and the candle they lit
All those gestures you unknowingly make so sweet
7.I love you because
You have seen the unseen ME
Some altar image of mine
Which had never been brought out in sunhine of beauty
8. I love you because
You have senses a confident woman in my inner self
Something which I have never felt
All your inhumane efforts in the transformation sweat
9. I love you because
Of all your array of uniquness
Which no one can ever get in 10 lifetimes of wait
I have won your heart in an effortless state
10. I love you because
You are YOU nothing more or nothing less
The most special person of the earth
With strength and sensitivity of Solomon in loving praise
I have 100000000000000000000000000000 more reasons though
To love you each day more and more and more
To love you as just as you are
The cutest lovliest babyling creature
The Best Thing

Kissing you Upside Down.
Kissing you Inside Out.
Kissing you Sideways.
Kissing you Always.
Kissing you Good Morning.
Kissing you Good Night.
Kissing you Randomly.
Kissing you Thoroughly.
Kissing you in the Dark.
Kissing you under the Sun.
Kissing you in the Rain.
Kissing you to get rid of my Pain.
Kissing you in the Car.
Kissing you under the Blanket.
Kissing you.
Is the Best thing.
Monday, July 11, 2011
I wish for You

Would wait for you for ever for I am sure
Someday someway sometime somewhere
We would be together living or dead
In this life or just the next step ahead
We will for sure meet at some points of life
'Coz in my heart of heart am your proudest wife
Would wait for you always with all what I have
'Coz its not a choice but out of my pristine love
Just a selfish reason the selfish side of me
'Coz I know else I would never be able to breathe
Without You Time pass by as I watch it freeze
My Heart is in entropy all my lifelines cease
So many things I would want you to know,
But above all without you my life can never go..
I long to be with you but not meager to hold your hand
To have your heart imbibed me in the never never land
I wish you all the peace in the world in which you have to live
But in the smallest corner of your heart I want the truth to be.
Forever secured by love sealed by care and glued in divine sandal
Protected in it my very own self which I myself dare not handle
I wish you faith in me to help define your living and your life.
More I cannot wish you except perhaps love to enrich vibe
I wish your sense of humor and the twinkle in your eye
Never separates from your self till the day you die
I cannot promise you a lifetime or even a day long date,
For we are bound elsewhere via a lifetime commitment
What I can offer to you is simply myself and me for ever
For whatever amount of time we can steal for each other
I can promise you some moments of lifetime remembrance
I wish you that what is needed for trust -the element of patience
So I wish you sadness s.t you may always better measure glee
I wish you emptiness of heart such that you are always able to see
What we fill each other with, can never be put to measure
In the enigma of life is it love or some other unreal treasure?
You make me numb when you cast that hypnotic gaze
With the eyes of emerald you pin me down in a magnetic haze
I wish you intransigence such that you appreciate cadence
I wish you glory and the strength of love to bear its burdens.
I wish you stubbornness of life so that you can be all in praise
Of Docility of Lady Love and see how its transcends
Each and every mundane pains of a barren existence
Transforming carcasses to living souls in its blessed togetherness
I wish you speechless elsewhere such that you can always talk to me
I wish you grimace at other places such with me you smile with beauty
I wish you strength of warmth when the world would prefer it cool
I wish you intelligence of love when the world would treat it fool
I'm sorry
Please forgive me for being so insensitive and agitated at the starting of the new day… Your smile, your well being and your endless love and affection for me, makes my life a LIFE… I love you with me everything… and I’ll always love you like that and more…
Reason of a colorful Season
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Could only say Take Care!!!

Just want to hold you tight to my breast
Try giving you a warm cuddly rest
Like my mom-side puts her baby to snore
I want to hold you snugly to me for hour
And just as the baby sleeps off without any concern
Hearing soft lullabies in an innocent notion
Till such time you immerse in a slumber
I want to hold you in my loving enclosure
You resting all the miseries and fatigue for a while
To my breast-and you reside with an angelic smile
I just wish if I could give you a deep deep sleep
It could absorb all your stress if you could keep
Your head to rest on me and I watch your face
And together I also lie down in your embrace
Putting the world with all its gruesome reality
Out of our shut doors for some moments of eternity
Am sure it could erase all your stress
And to me it would be a classic bless
Taking my life my soul in my arms
And let him rest as I behold his charms
A little love a little care with a gentle whispers
Of lovemaking softly said in your ears
Could make it all..a light self made lunch
And feeding you with my own hands
As you lie down on my lap and I insist
You for medicine and you persist
Me not to make slightest move ever
Leaving your side even if its for a glass of water
And I caress your crowning hair and implore
To take the pill and kiss you to have it before
Like a baby you finally give in and listen to me
And again holding me you take me to your side
And as we shed off every bit of inhibition
In a soothing loving overwhelming motion
And in the rainy romantic dusky afternoon
We make feathery love and sleep off soon
A panacea a paradise which I will never get
A chance to take care of my soul-mate
When he is not well I cannot rush to him
And from a distance can only silently scream
And send virtual Get Well Soon messages
Which breaks my heart in every sentence
But you just know for sure even if you are not
With me ,my heart has been given you to rent
For ever and ever and so without any reason
It cries vehemently at the mid of night when
It just feels that something is wrong somewhere
Perhaps my LIFE is not able to breathe proper
Something somewhere is just not right
And that's why the entire night I fight
I fight to sleep fight to remain awake
As in desperation I try to be united
With you someway somewhere and time sped
And I just pray you just be well in every sense
Else my parched soul will be dry and tense
Without knowing why till its YOU again
Convey me the actual reason
Of feeling so desperate and not able to rest
Just knowing my life line is not at his best!!!!