Thursday, June 9, 2011

Oyster Died for the Pearl Inside

I feel like
A Real Pearl In The Aura

A Bohemian in Rain

Who showers her a stupendous Love
In a turbulence of pain

Safeguards the pearl with the Cover
But he himself like the heard shelled Oyster
Doesn't understand his protective layer
And thinks if he has scratched the pearl
With his hardness hurl!!!

Whereas the pearl inside is in true sense
A constant stigma of intrinsic pain
To even the Oyster's existence
And the dumb Oyster ignores
That very fact in nonchalant gestures
And thinks he is to the Pearl brutal ruthless
The pearl which takes off the Oyster's Life
In each and every every passing second



  1. I know you are angry.... But still you can't hurt me like the way I do to you....
    This writing is magical... Truly... Apart from the end...Please change the last 2 lines.... Please... I beg...

  2. Just falling in love with your writing again and again.... This writing is wonderful... reading again and again.... You are truly gifted my Love... and I'm gifted by the best gift of nature, that is YOU...

  3. Reading again and again and getting mad, how beautifully you have put and conveyed your message without even telling the message even once... Loved it... loved the style... Love the writer
