So what??
If we cant share our life for EVER
Its after all meant to be NEVER!!!!
So what ??
If its just ONLY One Life time of wait
At least we do have for once for lifetime met
So its ok to part seamlessly after a rarest moment
And feel alright to put on the best make up set!!!
After all its My Life and Your Life
And never happened to be Just Our Own Life
Its only some time of adhoc togetherness
Thrown by nature in utter negligence
That seems to fools as Eternity
Trying to trap every moment in Infinity
Its ok that even if every being of mine
Do die for you to be by my side
When I need you the most
Its ok NOT to ask for thy
To know you can't be there no matter how hard you try!!!
Its ok to build and build on logic and never to question why....
After all we are rational beings with unquestionable sanity
Each one of with different sets of priority
So we will keep on making our own story
Just to defy ALL but NOT US
We will keep on wandering in fantasy
To deny NOT all But US
And we continue to live in Mercy
Mercy of time Mercy of Nature
Mercy of every insignificant creature
And its ok to die every moment
But put a joyous face lit every incident
And its ok to portray a life perfect picture
B'coz that's my life on pen and paper
But my very own precious life what happens to her??
I dare not question in a rejection fear
And if somehow somewhere a drop of tear
Do betray you and come so near
Its ok to wipe and help wipe off the traitor
And ask a covering lovely smile for ever and ever!!!