Why did you let me go when you know
I belong to you and only You
Why did you loose your grip and let me FALL
When you know I was dissolving in you and that is ALL
Right at that moment
When it was a long long farfetched
Impossible dream coming true ...
When we were mesmerized
With our level of unison hue...
Think alike dream alike feel alike be alike and love alike
When we are just about too much engrossed
Why without a clue .... the most horrifying
Of the ring tones has to scream to its co-existance ....
Drag each one of us from our embrace
And throw on the hard rocks of reality...
The moment when you are the softest
And most vulnerable and most fragile most committed
You will be whipped hardest
And thrown down on the stone floor with no one to hold....
And we will be okay to diverge our roads
In perfect X and trade for your most precious Y.
Why do you have to leave me
To deal with the brutal world alone
The very moment when you want to hold me to your heart
Forever but you have to end up enact
To the rest of the world that
Am none to you And you are stranger to me.
Why do I have to uproot myself from your clutch
And rush
Run away from you run away from life
Avoid you avoid me avoid our love
Crying like a baby..
Mamma don’t leave me behind
Or papa carry me with you on your side....
And then what? Rush where ? Run away from whom?
Ignore what?? which you never get in lifetime?
Killing me and killing you
Hurting our baby every time
For people who have no meaning in life
But of whom we are scared of???
I have no answer....do you?
Love you till I die and die for you
Till such time I manage to survive.
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