Saturday, October 8, 2011

What I could not tell you

1. Am really intrinsically hurt and dejected by hurt that at times not able to fathom whether am living or dead.. he was telling that you are behaving like a dead body..a stoic..kothata akdom thik..I am myself feeling like that..or may be not feeling anything as corpses don't have the ability to feel anything

2. Am missing you so much in my life that every moment of my survival has become non existant for me...stone like withdrawn somewhere I dont a no man's land

3. I know you are trying your best to make me feel good as far as possible on blog on phone every little means permissible and possible within your limits..
But am not able to pull up a malignant patient refuses to endure the sessions of chemothearpy ... just hochhe naa..
Am really feeling like dying every moment..absolutely withdrawn

4. Tumi anek kichu bolo j 20yrs pore o dakha hole prem ta taja very true but 20 yrs beche thaka ta tumi sure to?I feel each pulse that the way we are strangling ourself and denying lifethen I honestly believe down the lane shortly life should deny us!!!

5.Dur theke habe naa.. whatever you say both of us are very real person.. aj porjyonto ato dino akbaro hoyeche ki tumi amay just dur theke console korecho buke tene na niye pashe na boshiye..??
So ratarati ki kore sei sob habbits gulo different hoye jabe bolo?

To be HAPPY I have to BE WITH YOU..
You are the PULSE of my life which is beating more and more slowly every day with passage of time as only a form of toxic dexoygentaed blood is flowing through the veins..

take care
love you

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