Thursday, June 9, 2011

Leopard :)


  1. Monster!!!
    I really can't understand how could you love a monster like me...
    I hate my self. Mean it... How could I do it??? How could I be so brutal to two sweet babies and a soft flower like you???
    Forgive me if possible ...

  2. Forgive...for what loving me madly??
    I just die for this!!love this overpowering passionate self of yours..
    You wont absorb this feelings you need to posses a passionate heart..

    With your techie self you cant really appreciate these humane sentiments forget it!!
    I was in 7th heaven with all of them till such tome I read this comment.
    Next time onwards if there is next time I wont tell you anything..You can hate yourself I don't care but I love you beyond everything!!

    And I hate myself because no matter how hard I try to keep my "bhalolaga" to myself which you cannot relate I end up spilling over to you...

  3. Sorry Baby, I didn't mean to hurt you....
    Actually from yesterday only I was little scared in the anticipation of the black patches that might appear on my babies....
    Sorry, if I have hurt you jannu...
    But wanted to tell you one thing, I have really lost myself in you during that dreamy time window...
    can forget, still feeling contended and complete and very happy....
